Posted in Intro, Poe Critiques

What Comes After

Here’s the plan: Every Friday, I am going to post a new critical analysis of an Edgar Poe story. I will attempt to find free versions of these stories online and post a link. I will be reading the stories out of the Castle Books volume, “Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales and Poems.” After dusting off and holding up to the light each piece of thought provoking, often strangely modern, fiction, I will then tack on a piece of poetry or short fiction of my own creation which can serve as a helpful reminder that anyone can attempt to climb the trouser leg of giants but not everyone can succeed in standing on the shoulders without falling off. You can be the judge of whether I concretely stand on a talented summit or am dashed to pieces at the feet of a literary hero.

Tomorrow will be the first Friday and the first post. Below is a poem I recently wrote which, I like to think, illustrates a critical piece of beginnings: courage.


To Rise

To sink in tempest seas is an easy thing.

To rise despite the drowning ring,

in your ears and all around,

truly that is courage crowned.


Instagram: niaslanding I brew herbal beer, run for my life, read voraciously, and travel constantly.

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