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Addition over Subtraction

Day 19

I felt a crescendo of restless energy buzzing through me today. I needed to channel that energy into the present situation I was in. I kept channeling it into this anxiety I have about not doing the most awesome thing, which of course never happens to be what I’m currently doing. That might mean running off into the city, divert power from the brain and into the legs. I realize now that I was struggling to embrace an unfamiliar setting. I dealt with that struggle by belittling it. Then I blamed myself, Liz, and the place itself for putting us in such a/an [insert negative descriptors here] situation. I was able to overcome this feeling to enjoy the vast majority of the trip but it colored gray far more of my time there than I would have liked. Maybe that’s just the way it is

I’ve been doing my best to type this honestly, from my journal. Although, it’s hard to decide whether I’m editing something out to make it more enjoyably readable (grammatically) or because it makes me cringe but would actually be interesting, in a worst-definition-of-juicy way. I have to describe the negatives and the positives, not the resulting difference. There is no context, or reality. In subtraction.

Anyway, we got Thai massages today. Those massages are magical. They cast spells on you. I saw a cauldron in the back room. I came out feeling much better. Then we went and got our fancy clothes fitted. I will finally have a suit that fits like sweat on a hot day. And Liz’s cashmere/wool coat is cashmere/wool.

Asking the tuk tuk drivers how much they charge before going somewhere is a bottomless pit of hilarity. One driver threw out 600baht. That’s more than a room for a night ever cost us. Price gouging my eyes out. The best alternative would be the buses, but we don’t know the routes. So, taxis are cheapest, when the meter is running that is. We got snacks, drank beers and played cribbage; it was glorious. Later that night, or earlier, (my journal is not exactly chock full of continuity) we went to a couch-surfing meet up and hung out with some other travelers and people living in Bangkok full time.


Instagram: niaslanding I brew herbal beer, run for my life, read voraciously, and travel constantly.

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