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Tiger Caves in the Haze


Visited a place called the Tiger Cave Temple. This place has that name because a well known tiger used to live in a cave on the premises. The roar of the tiger, boosted by cave-acoustics, could often be heard in the nearby village. Buddhist Monks live there now. Monkeys moved in after the tiger left, as well. Steep, tall steps end in a lookout. An ominous haze blotted out the horizon. Supposedly there is an ocean and islands beyond the haze. There were many bells to ring. I know almost nothing about Buddhism which leaves me with a lot of questions every time we visit a temple. Beyond the temple there are more caves and jungle trails. A Polish dad and son excitedly pointed out a monitor lizard to us. I traded in my David Sedaris book for “Norwegian Wood” by Haruki Murakami. Night seafood market. encouraged to sit and eat. that’s how they get you. Next to the estuary. Great place for people watching. A man from California asked how much we paid for our beer. He then went on to tell me that he has been here for a couple of days with his wife and moustache.


Instagram: niaslanding I brew herbal beer, run for my life, read voraciously, and travel constantly.

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