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Last Day in Krabi Town

DAY 10

Ao Nang beach had an extremely low tide today. Way low. Silhouetted figures squat (presumably to look at things) out where the surf used to be (they might be pooping). We searched for a chocolate shake after walking the beach. Chocolate shakes are hard to find here. Eventually found some ice cream and a blender. After hand gestures and drawings we communicated the combination.

Met a man named Eros (air-rroash) in the lobby of our guesthouse. From Slovenia. Sandwiched between Italy and Switzerland. I have to note the country’s geographic location, as I couldn’t recall where it was when he asked. And, he seemed pretty smug about that. Went to get dinner with him at the night market. He talked a lot about Slovenia, which sounds like a lovely country. Eros told us about how a Pakistani immigrant lives with him and his wife. This man wakes up and takes hours longer than anyone else to do everything: make food, get places, sleep, etc. Eros couldn’t understand this lifestyle. ‘How can he not watch TV?’ Eros told us about how he made a joke to the Catholic Pakistani immigrant. The joke was about how the Catholic sacrament is a form of cannibalism. The Pakistani man did not understand the joke. Eros is 41 years old. When in Bangkok, he spent the night with a friend. He was kept awake by the noise of his friend throwing a party. He told us about how he was also kept awake by the incessant knocking on his door by three women trying to have sex with him. He’s married so naturally he refused. One of the women’s husbands was there. He wanted to split the money Eros would hypothetically pay his wife for sex. After dinner, Eros said he was going to buy a little whiskey to help him go straight to sleep because he was very tired.

We got to know K, the owner of K’s guesthouse where we were staying. She spoke English well. She was helpful, nay integral, in planning our Krabi adventures. K went to New Zealand and had a terrible experience. She rented a car which turned out to have bad brakes. She was driving a little crazily, because the brakes were only working when they felt like it. Someone called the police to say she was all over the road. So, she got pulled over. Her thought was to take off her seat belt and step out of the car to talk to the police man. She ended up with a ticket for not wearing her seat belt. At this point she was very distraught. She didn’t like the food much either, said there’s only so many times you can eat a burger in a week. K gave us both a big hug before we left.


Instagram: niaslanding I brew herbal beer, run for my life, read voraciously, and travel constantly.

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