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Way Back Wednesday: (1/23/2013 – 1/24/2013)



60 pushups, 25 squats

full workout with wood chopping/chainsawing with long run

granola, yogurt, banana, grapefruit, cereal, carrots, pita chips, brown dip, hummus, saurkraut, kilbasa, asparagus, yogurt

Run tomorrow, that’s all that matters, do it tomorrow

tired now, sleep now.


split wood and worked a chainsaw for 5 hours

full workout and a run tomorrow (buy wool toe socks)

granola, banana, yogurt, grapefruit, pineapple, pastrami, hummus, cereal, so much spaghetti


Slowly got ready and grabbed the chainsaw and ax and maul. I split wood for first 3/4 of day. Then mom brought us ginger tea; drank ginger tea and talked with roman about what to do with 35,000 dollars a year for four years instead of college, agreed on travelling. Roman mentioned a want for stability but stability can be found while traveling was my argument. Stability could be fostered through normalcy in its many malleable forms. Re-framing the definition of normal by creating a habitual, repetitive, or consistent routine through reading, working out, or doing something every day. Travelling can be empty in the same way that South Dakota and the wilderness was empty while I was there and the best times were when I was with Grandma; by empty I mean lonely. Having goals to be accomplished through travelling helps as well. I struggled with the chainsaw. I struggled to start it three times. I preferred splitting wood definitely.


My forearms are killing me. Time is sooo relative and it heals absolutely all wounds; give anything enough time and it will cease to be an issue, time and distraction are usually good partners to solving problems or getting over issues more so. The talk with Roman today was excellent, every time we have a conversation like that I realize so much about myself it’s ridiculous. The main points were to always have a goal that can be communicated easily, always present myself in a respectable manner, always have something to give or be able to offer a service, journal or find some way to write my thoughts down. Find stability in every day life even if that means establishing some form of trinket or a daily system that keeps me grounded. I journal every day that is something that helps me focus and find some inner peace and stability. If I didn’t have a computer I would journal in a notebook and I will do that this summer. This exercise of free-association is like dreaming, it allows my brain to jump around and I merely observe and type down what it thinks. I didn’t intend for this to be so long but this exercise grabs me and I cannot stop until I am finished saying what I must say to sum up my life to this point. I have a fantastic year ahead of me full of firsts, learning, teaching, losing, winning, and everything awesome that comes with getting to know new places, jobs, and friends.


Instagram: niaslanding I brew herbal beer, run for my life, read voraciously, and travel constantly.

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