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The Ice Age is Coming


Food Eaten:

2 eggs, 1 toast, salsa, 3 slices sharp cheddar; 1 cup coffee

2 cups coffee; 2 corn tortillas, artichoke/spinach hummus, 8 slices swiss cheese, 8 pieces summer sausage, cabbage, collared greens; spoonful of peanut butter; 1 banana

5 table spoons yogurt, honey, granola, 1 banana; 2 cups rice, soy sauce

Workout Summary:

ran 9.93 miles in 80 minutes for 8:00 min/mile

15 pushups

30 bicycle crunches



I worked to catch up on my blog most of the morning until 11 when I met with Natalie and Anna to do some work. We planned the College Possible meeting this Friday and talked about capital campaign strategy. I went home intending to work on MNIPL things and catching up there but instead I polished off and finished my blog posts which were eating away at me because I am extremely dedicated to doing a good job on those. Dedication to maintaining this blog stems from a deep enjoyment in writing as a vessel for articulation.

For the IAT run, I called Diane Kay about Adidas Outdoor sponsorships and am drafting a proposal to send to her. It’s my first proposal I will be writing for this expedition and I want to get it right and use it as a draft for other organizations I seek out for sponsorship. I need to figure out how I am going to manage and execute outreach for this adventure. How is adventure learning going to be involved, do I want adventure learning to be involved? should I consult roman on this? yes! I need to call roman and touch base I think hes going to flip shit about this idea nd be all about supporting me. I am super happy and excited that Roman and Jordan are going to be hanging out sometime soon, I”m gald they connected. Then also for the IAT run I called the Ice Ace Trail Alliance and Matt from Canoecopia answered. I spoke with Matt for a solid amount of time and answered a lot of my own unanswered questions posing as questions he asked me and I found answers to them. I was surprised at how calm, calculating, and honest I was in this conversation. Occassionally I will make some things up in a stressful situation simply because it seems easier to me but I am working on not doing that which I succeeded at in this meeting because I did not do that with Matt. Matt put me in touch with Jason Dorgan who set a speed record on the trail in April of 2007 at 22 days and 6 hours on the 1099 mile trail. Jason is on the board at the Ice Age Trail Alliance. There is a woman who ran the trail and a couple other blogs to dig into and contact. Matt will be my main hub for connections and he even mentioned an intricate web of trail angels which will most likely help me out as I spontaneously run into them on my journey. I spoke with Matt about running unsupported as I was looking up exactly what that means, it means nothing to the IATA because for them doing the thru-journey is all that matters and I agree with them. I’ll leave the labelling of my quest to others and do it as I see fit whether that be unsupported, self-supported, or supported. I am extremely excited about this idea and the training has been going extremely well.


The run today felt excellent the entire time, I felt relaxed and strong. Continuing on even farther than I went even crossed my mind for a period although I need to temper mileage increases with time and also speed increases at lower mileages which I have been doing a good job of so far.

Reading Run or Die by Kilian Jornet and also still reading game of thrones (I take back what I said earlier) Game of Thrones is excellent!


This will be my first entry since the 19th. I have set myself up with an extremely busy life here in the Twin Cities and it may be leading me down a disastrous road. I have the utmost confidence that I can handle all of my obligations without falling down the hole of exhaustion. Any doubt that I cannot competently keep up with my commitments will lead to a swift downsizing in my activities. Writing in my journal is something which helps me to validate a day, then immediately erase all pride, disappointment, vanity, and accomplishment from my memory because tomorrow will always be a chance to become exactly who I want to be; with no preconceived notions.


Instagram: niaslanding I brew herbal beer, run for my life, read voraciously, and travel constantly.

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