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Day and Night (1/21/2013 12:24 am – 1/21/2014 11:53 pm)

1/21/2013 12:24 am

Workout Summary:

Full morning workout + 30 pushups

Ran 11 miles around the round valley reservoir with Roman at about 10 min/mi

Workout Premonition:

Full morning workout

Short run through trails near house


whole wheat  pancakes, bacon, pineapple

banana, smoothie (chia, ginger, banana, ice, etc), chips and brown dip, soup (barley, chicken, yellow soup)

alfredo spaghetti with mushrooms and shrimp, spaghetti squash, venison


17th—Ran around finalizing things in DC, Roman got in that night; I Ran that night

18th—Drove to the Big Schloss with Roman and Susie. Hiked up to the little schloss and then hiked farther on to the real deal. That was an awesome day, beautiful views, good conversation, and great friends. That night Roman and I went to Joe Maloney’s place and drank minimal amounts, played halo, watched some of Django.

19th—Packed up, drove Susie into Baltimore, went to Wa Wa’s (mechanical subway) pretty tasty, made it up to Aunt Sandy’s for dinner, saw Ian and Evan, Ian’s wife was there with their daughter. Delicious lasagna, veggies, and meat.


20th–Having traveled a fair amount lately I have realized that no matter where I go there is always a good place to run nearby. If I have a car then I can find the best trails in the area in a matter of minutes. That is something I love about America, the terrain is beautiful and well preserved. Running with a partner removes all potential monotony from the run, and allows for competitive pushing and insightful conversing. When I run with Roman I have a lot of epiphanies I would not have when running alone and am able to completely share my thoughts with him. Running 11 miles, especially when it feels like a breeze, gives me an enormous boost of confidence that can not be compared. That million dollar feeling is better than any drug. Those endorphins coursing through my brain is the greatest high.



Being at home with the family is great. I really want to run the Leadville 100, it would be a great way for me to do something I’m passionate about and get affirmation in the form of a prize for finishing. Hiking to the big schloss was hilarious and fun as hell. It’s not adventuring for the sake of adventuring. What I enjoyed most about that trip was the time spent with close friends doing something adventurous because I learned so much about Roman and Susie; we were in situations where hilarity, adventure, and danger happened in a span of a couple hours. We pushed out of our comfort zones through taking risks. We struggled climbing down to the schloss. We walked each other through it and were there to catch each other if we fell. I hope to feel that sense of accomplished education through Wild River Academy and become close with a lot of people who are entering their last stage of education and who have so many opportunities and roads ahead of them. It’s not about affecting change, what I want is to encourage others to seek out adventure, try new things with great success, and attack obstacles in their paths with absolute vigor. Learning about the area, animals, and water conservation in Minnesota is going to be interesting and something I am excited about, especially if the three of us do it together. I picture a breakfast club setting in a library where each of us have a book and laugh to ourselves or share info through reading different books together all day everyday; that probably won’t happen. I would also like to run leadville this year but I might not have time to train properly. I can always run a 50k race in Minnesota happening in May which I should sign up for very soon.

1/21/2013 11:53 pm


full morning, 4 mile 5:25 min/mi


full morning, run of sorts


granola, greek yogurt, granola, banana, cereal

lasagna, saltines and brown dip, carrots and hummus

rice, broccoli, cauliflower, chicken, lasagna

steak burrito w/ peppers & onions, mozzarella cheese, and sour cream

2 white russians


Feeling a bit sore today from the 11 miler yesterday but decided to run later. This writing style of mine tends to be so data centric and robotic I need to learn how to describe more aesthetically. The run today was short (4 miles) and fast (5 min/mi) but it was one of those runs where it puts things in perspective, meaning that the 11 miler felt easier and lighter whereas the speed run today at 4 miles felt like more of a struggle and a bit more forced. I WILL run the 50k on Lake Superior and I will do it with at least one other person, 60 dollars isn’t that much and I know I must learn to grow with others and take others under my wing sometimes. I’ve always seen myself as someone who is not leading the pack but when it comes to running I have a lot to say and I must say it because people actually respect my opinion; Roman hears what I say and he responds to it by improving his form and hopefully enjoying the running more.


I want to meet someone but I don’t want to put it down as a goal and I don’t want it to happen here on the east coast. I want to meet someone in the midwest, in Minnesota, at a race, during an expo or otherwise while I am doing something I really enjoy. I want to share something with them. Somebody who gets me and my quirks, my “tendencies” as Mary-Ellen puts it, but even people with tendencies want to have them, think it’s unique or sets them apart. It does, everyone has their weirdness or uniquity. I want a girl who is spontaneous and adventurous but with goals and dreams and is capable of enacting those goals and dreams. I want to be able to travel with her, and explore the world around us. I want her to be able to keep up with me. I want to have to keep up with her. As much as I talk about adventuring, it is nothing if it is not experienced with others. Hiking the Schloss with Susie and Roman was more memorable than my most exciting hike alone in SD. The only reason those crazy lonely hikes are memorable is because they are now stories that can be told to others in order to build relationships; not mementos I hold on to personally.


Instagram: niaslanding I brew herbal beer, run for my life, read voraciously, and travel constantly.

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